We get asked many times why is important to change the oil even when not using the vehicle.
Oil is just one part of a vehicle that needs attending to even when the vehicle is not used for prologue periods of times. Below we will focus on answering the Oil question.
Changing the oil in a vehicle after a prolonged period of not being used is important for several reasons:
  1. Moisture Accumulation: When a vehicle is not in use, especially in humid environments, moisture can accumulate in the engine and oil system. This moisture can mix with the oil and lead to the formation of sludge and other contaminants, which can cause engine damage if not addressed.
  2. Oil Oxidation: Over time, oil can oxidize, especially when exposed to air and high temperatures. Oxidation can cause the oil to thicken, lose its lubricating properties, and become less effective at protecting the engine components. Changing the oil after a prolonged period of not being used helps ensure that fresh, properly functioning oil is in the engine.
  3. Acid Formation: In addition to oxidation, the chemical reactions that occur within the oil and engine components over time can lead to the formation of acids. These acids can corrode the engine surfaces and cause damage if not addressed by changing the oil.
  4. Contaminant Buildup: When a vehicle is not used, contaminants such as dirt, dust, and debris can accumulate in the engine and oil system. Changing the oil helps remove these contaminants and ensures that the engine is protected by clean oil.
  5. Lubrication and Protection: Fresh oil provides optimal lubrication and protection to the engine components, even when the vehicle is not being driven regularly. It helps maintain the integrity of seals and gaskets and reduces the risk of friction-related damage when the vehicle is started after a period of inactivity.
  6. Warranty Requirements: Most vehicle warranties have specific maintenance requirements, including regular oil changes based on time intervals. Adhering to these requirements, even during periods of vehicle inactivity, helps maintain warranty coverage.
So the short answer is Yes, it’s important to change the oil even if you are not using the machine.